I assume everyone knows Spotify and there is no need to explain how it works.
*You can click on highlighted sentences to know the meaning of specific terms used in this text.
The main challenges on Spotify for musicians will be listed here:

First of all, editorial playlists:
They are curated playlists made by Spotify employees. Spotify curated playlists are still common and take into account your entire music project before including any of your songs in one of their playlists, despite the growing trend towards algorithmic (automatically generated) playlists, these curated playlists are very popular.
There are different types of editorial playlists: large playlists, smaller playlists, and playlists based on mood, feelings, music genre, country, etc.
To reach the most listeners, one of the biggest challenges for musicians nowadays is to be featured on editorial playlists (those made by streaming companies) and the question is: how do you stand out in the sea of new songs released every day?
25% of the 70,000 songs released daily, according to Spotify, are never listened to. The challenge of standing out among the thousands of songs available has become more difficult as music distribution has gotten more democratic.
Regarding Metal, it is the same as any other music genre and there are specific Metal curated lists created by the Spotify team.
Because Spotify favours editorial playlists more than independent playlists (so-called third-party playlists), they can significantly affect the number of likes and listens.
A playlist gets significance when it has more listeners, i.e. when people return to listen to the playlist on a regular basis. This is another crucial element in understanding how editorial playlists develop.
Therefore, the “repetition potential” of the songs will frequently be used to determine how playlists are put together.
To resume even if Spotify curated lists are considered a “jackpot”, your tracks have more chances to be picked and included in an Editorial playlist if they are already present in third-part playlists and being played often by users.
If you already have an audience, Spotify will be able to detect your music, it will be easier as well as faster.
Sending your music to the Spotify team via your label or distributor is a more frequent way to have it included in editorial playlists. Though nothing is ever sure, not even with a label or distributor.
The most popular way to enter Spotify’s editorial playlists is through “Spotify for Artists”, particularly for artists that are just starting out in their careers. You pitch your music on the platform and fill out the pertinent details regarding your future release. The text you will write to introduce your music is called “a pitch“.
Even if it doesn’t ensure your inclusion in the editorial playlists, some details really do matter.
If you have problems creating your pitch either because of English language issues or simply any difficulty putting together a nice pitch, you can contact us at and we will give you a hand (free help) just for the pleasure of helping a new Metal band.
How to write a good pitch and increase your chances of getting into Spotify’s editorial playlists? Here is a list that may help you to be noticed.
Verify your Spotify profile.
Your Spotify profile needs to be confirmed (a blue check mark next to your name). This is necessary so that you can create your pitch and utilize all of Spotify for Artists’ capabilities. Simply request it, and Spotify will verify any artist’s profile.
Put your music on streaming services
Upload your track at least 15 days in advance, if not a month, whether you’re the label/distributor or an independent artist. You will be informed when your release is planned, at which point you can attempt to enter the Spotify editorial playlists.
1- Details about your musical tastes
2- Important: Think about creating your pitch in English if you want to export your music abroad.
3- Enter all the information about your music:
4- Important: Take into account composing your pitch in English if you intend to export your song overseas.
Don’t forget to mention the following details about your music:
1- Your tracks’ instruments
2- Do you prefer live or studio recordings?
3- Mood
4- Style (Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal)
5- Musical tradition (Latin, African, Celtic, etc.)
6- Is it an instrumental piece, a cover, or a remix?
7- Location
8- Pick 3 subgenres
It is crucial to enter this data accurately. Your song will be sent to Spotify teams that are more or less interested in it. Giving them precise information will therefore facilitate their work and raise your chances of being included in Spotify’s editorial playlists.
Create a strong pitch!
As mentioned above, we can help you at to create your pitch for free, just give us a shout.
Send a mail to with the subject “help with Spotify pitch”.
Last but not least, your song’s pitch should not exceed 500 characters. This calls on you to be succinct and direct.
Crucial point while creating your pitch:
1- Avoid making it sound like a bio.
2- If you’re unsure or want to succeed globally, write in the language of your intended primary market, which is English.
3- Be honest while discussing your music and your album; describe the meaning that each song delivers.
4- List the key components of your music promotion strategy, such as press relations, social media promotion, new releases, merchandise, concerts and tours, etc.
5- Numbers that are relevant (streaming, following, Youtube, etc.)
6- Show your musical journey in the best possible light, but avoid overdoing it.
Keep in mind that Spotify for Artists receives tens of thousands of playlist requests each day. Your primary objective when submitting a direct song pitch to Spotify is to demonstrate your level of commitment to your musical project.
Don’t be afraid to ask successful artists, labels, and distributors how to improve their chances of being included in Spotify editorial playlists. You may only pitch your music once on Spotify for Artists, so do your research, take your time, be inventive, and share it with others before sending your pitch.
I hope this help and good luck folks!