Blut Aus Nord
The best way to describe the band is by using the words of its creator:
Vindsval, the vocalist and guitarist, made the following statement:
Blut Aus Nord is an artistic concept. We don’t need to belong to a specific category of people to exist. If black metal is just this subversive feeling and not a basic musical style, then Blut Aus Nord is a black metal act. But if we have to be compared to all these childish satanic clowns, please let us work outwards [from] this pathetic circus. This form of art deserves something other than these mediocre bands and their old music composed ten years before by someone else.

France’s legacy to Black Metal presented the isolated scene of Les Legions Noires; in addition to Deathspell Omega with its dissonant sound, Peste Noire with subversive, provocative themes and Blut Aus Nord with all its atmosphere and different ambience.
Blut Aus Nord was initially formed as Vlad in France in 1993 as a solo project led by Vindsval. After two demos, In The Mist in 1993 and Yggdrasil in 1994, the name was changed to Blut Aus Nord. The band was signed to Impure Creations Records and released the full-length album Ultima Thulée, which introduced long-time member W.D. Feld on drums and keyboards and featured Ogat on bass. This was followed in 1996 by Memoria Vetusta I, «Fathers Of The Icy Age», which included Ira Aeterna on bass (as a session musician).
In 2001 The Mystical Beast Of Rebellion was released, with Nahaim playing as session bassist. The Work Which Transforms God came out in 2003; this was the first appearance of GhÖst as the now-permanent bassist, thus completing the line-up that the band still has to this date. The album also featured session member Taysiah on vocals. The 10″ split with Reverence (… Decorporation …) followed in 2004, and the band has been releasing a steady stream of albums and a few EPs since.
The band’s current line-up is: Vindsval (vocals, guitar), W.d.Feld (drums, keyboards), Thorns (drums) and GhÖst (bass).
Studio albums
Ultima Thulée (1995)
Memoria Vetusta I – Fathers of the Icy Age (1996)
The Mystical Beast of Rebellion (2001)
The Work Which Transforms God (2003)
MoRT (2006)
Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination (2007)
Memoria Vetusta II – Dialogue with the Stars (2009)
777 – Sect(s) (2011)
777 – The Desanctification (2011)
777 – Cosmosophy (2012)
Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry (2014)
Deus Salutis Meæ (2017)
Hallucinogen (2019)
Disharmonium – Undreamable Abysses (2022)
Lovecraftian Echoes (2022)
Disharmonium – Nahab (2023)