Website and Merch sales

Many people question whether to build a site or not. Nowadays people tend to prefer watching to reading but the answer is YES, Build a website!

Here are the reasons why you should build a website for your band:

It will simply add consistency to your name. It will look good and it will be another space where you can show your work.

You can use Storytelling to create an emotional attachment with your public with an “About our band” page.
This attachment will be complementary to the emotional attachment your music inspires in your public.
You may not think about it when you invest your time in promoting your work, but music is pure emotion and when someone likes a band, they want immediately to get to know more about that band.
This may even have happened to you already: you listen to the music and feel like knowing more about the band or musician.

A website will allow you at the same time to give all the practical information like concert dates, your Social Media, Spotify etc.

You can upload a “Storytelling” video of your band’s journey and this (as mentioned above) is a valuable asset.
You can upload your music videos and create a “Fan’s page”.

You can also sell your Merch with online Paypal payment and use this feature as a form of collecting donations at the same time. Enter a starting price for your Tee but leave the amount open, so the buyer decides how much he/she wants to pay for the Merch.
Starting price would be what the Tee cost you and by leaving the price open (like in bidding), the purchaser may want to pay more (for example 50/.60 euros instead of the cost price of 20 euros) leaving the surplus amount as a donation.

It happens more often than you can imagine and the money may help you with gear or anything else that may be necessary.

So yes, a website, is always a good idea.

Think about buying the domain name for your band even if you don’t build a site immediately. In case you want to build a site later, you don’t risk losing your ideal domain name.