This site is dedicated to all trends in Metal music. We want to honour and exalt musicians who brought joy and inspiration to many generations for decades. We also want to promote and introduce all the most important styles (especially all forms of “Old School Metal”) and new bands.
You will find on this blog:

- Metal-related articles and quiz games.
- We focus on all forms of “Old School Metal” with the goal to introduce it to the younger generations of Metalheads.
- Updates and News about what’s happening in the Metal world, album reviews, and releases.
- A space dedicated to introducing and promoting new musicians and bands.
- A guide for young musicians with the best tips to promote your music/band.
- The origins of Heavy Metal, its evolution, each Metal subgenre with their definition and listings made by style with the most representative bands, their history and discography.
Most of us have heard at least once that “Metal” is teenage music and a “phase,” but this couldn’t be further from the truth. On the contrary, we are talking about complex music compositions and highly skilled and talented musicians.
Metal can be compared to Classical music, triggering the same deep emotions with the same intensity in musicians and lovers.
Our music has survived with very little mainstream presence (or only from the few specialized stations) but was always kept alive and cherished by passionate fans.
Metal is simply Passion in all its forms, transformed into Music.
Like classical music, Metal will live forever.
Daniela P.